About Us

Birth of Sachdev Overseas Fitness Pvt Ltd, a house of imported quality fitness equipment & Sports Goods

Before proceeding to introduce ourselves, we would like to give prominence to our parent company M/s. Sachdev Sports Co, which was established as early as 1928 by late Shr Ram Ratan Sachdev, who hailed from Sialkot in Pakistan, who later migrated to India and settled in Hyderabad. He started small sports showroom with a small turnover has grown slowly with his untiring efforts & certain dealings with the customers. Gym Spare Parts  

With the passing of the time & with the guidance of the founder, M/s. Sachdev Sports Co has grown up as a well-established supplier of quality sports goods and has been one of the major sports company in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana States catering to all government and educational institutions & not to speak about clubs & individuals. As there was a demand for fitness equipments with the present work atmosphere resulting lack of physical exercise, which is basic for good health, M/s. Sachdev Sports Co decided to establish an exclusive firm in the name of M/s. Sachdev Overseas to import quality fitness equipments in the brand name of “Aerofit” so that the company could cater to the needs of people of various walks of life and at a very affordable prices as well as to give the customer quality after sales service. As the turnover has increased and to have more transparency the Partners decided to convert the partnership firm to Private Ltd Company. TreadMill Repair Service

Since new technology and its implementation in the field of Fitness become necessity. Nityesh sachdev one of the directors came up with the idea of starting a new company to import fitness equipments with better technology to carter to the ever expanding markets of commercial and domestic fitness equipment sector, in order to compete with all the other multinational brands by giving similar technology products but at a much reasonable price catering to Indian business environment, as such he floated the new company Nityasach fitness Pvt Ltd. which shall share the brand AEROFIT with upgraded version of the fitness equipment. fitness equipment Spare Parts repair